Guys, how are you there? Hope you're fine. Last May 29, I had a meeting with Mr. Charlie Aquino the man behind Masteronlinenetworker.com. Charlie is an internet marketer for years and has launched lots of e-book about MLM or the so called networking. He also became part of different MLM companies here in the promoting and pushing the
product of Fegabo which is 1kard, it's a Load-All-Network business bundled in a debit card. And I will be partnering/helping him in promoting this 1kard whether online or offline transaction. The reason why I got interested is because this card will change everything. You know why? 1st you can use this to start your own e-loading business (not limited to one network but all network plus other gaming cards), if you don't want to make this as your business you can also use this to save money
in your load because if you will be
using 1kard in loading yourself you will get up to 15% discount. 2nd you can also use this card in paying your bills (you don't need to fall in long queues, got cramming in due dates because in just one text away your bill will be paid thru
an RFID in it so that you can use it as M-PASS in MRT and LRT line 2 and as E-PASS in NLEX, SLEX, and SCTEX. Giving you free from falling in long queues. Plus soon you can also
use this in selected establishment like restaurant, boutiques, spa and etc. Maybe now you got a little bit interested in it. You may visit our website www.1kard.com or for orders you may contact me at +63920-8452699,
+63935-9549441 or +63922-4932265 or email me at webmasterphi@yahoo.com or olgms_cute15@yahoo.com. You may also add my YM account olgms_cute15. Guys this product is really great, it’s affordable and worth it. We are also open for groups like cooperatives, NGO, or other politician who like to venture with us, we have great scheme for that. Just contact us right away.
End: August 2, 2009 (5:00 PM - Philippines Time)
Announcement of Winners: August 8, 2009 (My birthday)
Be sure to verify the link in your E-MAIL because it will not be counted and you’re not eligible to continue. (10 points)
2. Add my link to your blogroll. (5 points)3. Blog about this contest on YOUR blog together with the CONTEST URL and SPONSORS’ LINK. I’m requiring you to have a separate post for this. Title should be “Jogzz’s Birthday Contest”(10 points)
4. Add the contest button on your sidebar. Please do not resize. (10 points)
All in all, every participant will gain 40 points upon entering the contest.
1. Post this contest in other blogs. Be sure that the post include the CONTEST URL and SPONSORS’ URL or else it will not be included in the score. The blog may not be your blog. It may be the blog of your friend or anyone as long as it has A MINIMUM OF 10 POSTS. (10 points per entry)
2. Place the contest button in other blogs that you, or your friends have. (5 points per site)
3. Comment in my blog posts from my post in June 28 up to before the contest ends. Take note that you will need to have a SENSIBLE comment, or else it will not be counted. Comments like “I love this post”, “Thanks for the information” and the like will automatically be disregarded in the pointing system. (5 points per comment)
4. Bookmark this post on any social bookmarking site that you know. (3 points)
5. Follow me on Plurk (http://plurk.com/jogzzkie) - 5 points
6. Plurk about this contest. Take note that you can only plurk this contest ONCE. (5 points)
7. Let your friends comment on my posts. Please let them state that they are referred by you. “blah blah blah.. by the way, I was referred by YOU of lalala.com.” (3 points per comment)
8. Fave me in Technorati. You need to have an account in technorati. (5 points)
Take note that I will compute all the scores manually. Once you have something accomplished, send me an e-mail at dominantages[at]ymail[dot]com. I will check the e-mail at least once a day and get back to you for the total score you gained. You may also post your accomplishments as a comment here.
FIRST PRIZE - Price Value at $70
$20 CASH via Paypal - JogzSECOND PRIZE - Price Value at $50
$5 CASH via paypal - JogzTHIRD PRIZE
1 year .info domain - JogzFOR THE EFFORT AWARD LOL
All participants will receive a blog award that they can post after the contest in order for their participation to be recognized. This will be provided by me after the contest.I’m still looking for some sponsors. If ever you want to sponsor something, may it be an advertisement, cash, domain, EC Credits, stuffs or anything under the sun will do. Just feel free to send me an e-mail also at dominantages[at]ymail[dot]com.
1. First, you need to send me the information you used in the Contest Requirements. This includes the e-mail address you used in subscribing, the BLOG POST URL and Blogroll Page Link.
2. Once your done with the requirements, continue earning points.
Please make sure that you have send the details in MY EMAIL (dominant-ages[at]ymail[dot]com) or else I won’t credit the points even though it’s clearly visible.
July 11, 2009 - Scores from June 27 - July 10
July 25, 2009 - Scores from July 11 - July 24
Any other questions may be posted here. Take note THAT I MAY CHANGE THE POST HERE, SO BETTER BE UPDATED.
So, start blogging about this contest and win the awesome prizes!
Last may 6 when i was browsing kuya azrael's blog site., I read his blog about SM Marikina's Wifi Stress Test and according to this blog article the next stop of the wifi stress test will be on SM North EDSA.., i immediately sign up the registration page to confirm my attendance., according also to his write-ups "SM will be giving away 1 Acer Laptop to one Lucky blogger who will participate for the said event"., (so ayun na nga, dahil wala naman akong wifi enable device I need to invite my friend Ithal because he has Laptop and also Nikki because she has PSP tha
t is wifi enabled.) Unfortunately, Ithal cannot come because he is busy preparing for his graduation that will be the following day., and my last result was nikki, she committed herself that she will attend the event... with this I feel great and on May 15 the day of wifi Stress Test., me and nikki decided to meet at SM North EDSA Food court, again unluckily the PSP’s wifi is not working properly., gosh we did everything but then there is nothing we can do but to just drop by the venue and just roam around the mall., “kaasar moments naman saying tuloy yung chance na mapanalunan ung Acer Laptop.,” even though I think this wifi stress test is great because there are lots of bloggers who attended the event., “I hope I can buy na my laptop para sa susunod I can join some blogging activities with some blogger friends parang bonding narin.”