Last may 6 when i was browsing kuya azrael's blog site., I read his blog about SM Marikina's Wifi Stress Test and according to this blog article the next stop of the wifi stress test will be on SM North EDSA.., i immediately sign up the registration page to confirm my attendance., according also to his write-ups "SM will be giving away 1 Acer Laptop to one Lucky blogger who will participate for the said event"., (so ayun na nga, dahil wala naman akong wifi enable device I need to invite my friend Ithal because he has Laptop and also Nikki because she has PSP tha
t is wifi enabled.) Unfortunately, Ithal cannot come because he is busy preparing for his graduation that will be the following day., and my last result was nikki, she committed herself that she will attend the event... with this I feel great and on May 15 the day of wifi Stress Test., me and nikki decided to meet at SM North EDSA Food court, again unluckily the PSP’s wifi is not working properly., gosh we did everything but then there is nothing we can do but to just drop by the venue and just roam around the mall., “kaasar moments naman saying tuloy yung chance na mapanalunan ung Acer Laptop.,” even though I think this wifi stress test is great because there are lots of bloggers who attended the event., “I hope I can buy na my laptop para sa susunod I can join some blogging activities with some blogger friends parang bonding narin.”