11:10 PM |
Author: webmasterphi
I will never forget the TOYCON that me and my friends have attended last year... it was in deed the best fair that i attended that year. i remember it was early in the morning when i invited my friends to attend the said fair because i thought that the admission is for free. when we reached the location, we see long queque lines going inside the TOYCON. some are wearing their anime costume because there will be a cosplay in the afternoon. We pay P80 each as entrance fee but its okay because we enjoy the whole day as if there is no tommorrow... hahahaha... may ganun... we saw different toy stall selling action figure from brand new to antique which i think came from their chest box at home... in the afternoon the cosplayer showcased their costume on stage. many anime fanatic take out their camera to take a shot with their favorite anime character. My favorite is the Hulk, and Mario... hehehe... they are awesome... we even see our schoolmates roaming around the event hall... again it was indeed one of the best fair that i have attended...