12:38 AM |
Author: webmasterphi

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It was about a month ago since we, me and my friends, first and last ate at TGIFriday's. That day started as a usual Sunday for me. I woke up at 6:30 in the morning to give a wake- up call to Mark. And did the usual things I had to do that morning. Since it was a Sunday, I'm going to attend mass at SSJ together with Mark because he's a choir member that sings for the 10 am mass at that church. Me and our friend Ithal met Mark right at the church since we three couldn't set off together for the reason that we live in different locations (I live in Caloocan, Ithal lives in Bulacan and Mark, lives in Quezon city). So we three attended the mass. And right after the mass we had to wait for Mark at Timezone located in Promenade because he had to attend a
choir practice. After practice we set off straight to Robinson's Galleria since the nearest TGIF branch was located there. We rode the jeep that took us straight to the mall. The driver unloaded us at the wrong spot so we had to go around, but Ithal and I decided to climb the fence and Mark chose the hard way since he was afraid to climb for some reasons. So, we didn't went inside the restaurant we just took a seat outside for about 10 minutes or to browse the menu so that when the waitress will ask us about our orders, me and my friends wouldn't give her a hard time at all. When we picked- out our orders we chose our seats inside. Me and my friends seated at the couch. I must say that I was very impressed to the waitress that served us since she accommodated us very well. I ordered a Tuscan Vegetable melt and Mark ordered the other variety with is Chicken in instead served with a platter of fries on the side and Ithal ordered a Jack Daniel's Chicken Steak. We three
chatted while waiting for our orders to arrive. Ithal's order was served first and ours followed shortly. So, it was already eating time for the three of ous. We didn't ate silently, we continued chatting about stuffs and made comments about our food. Mark really enjoyed eating his french fries and also noted that the food served in this restaurant has their own attitude, a taste you can never find and compare to other resturants. I am also very pleased on the food that I ate even though i've had a difficult time using the knife to slice my meal since I seldom use such a thing in eating.haha! And Ithal, well, he's pretty much satisfied with the steak that he ate. I also tasted a bit of it even though i'm not allowed to eat such thing. When I ate the piece of steak that Ithal offered, it was very delicious, as Ithal have said, and I would describe it's taste as an unusual one since the chicken taste was mixed with charcoal but yummy indeed! So much for the experience. lol. But anyway, we three really enjoyed eating at TGIFriday's, so much for our food trip on that that and watch out for our next food trip. BURGOO here we come :)
