8:35 PM |
Author: webmasterphi

Image source:
http://pebrero.blogspot.com http://members.tripod.com http://www.flickr.comI am very thankful that i became part of the seminary because in my 3 years stay, i learn a lot of things... imagine i was given a

chance to learn the root of all languages which is latin but i find hard time studying it that's why i always get a grade of line of 70++ hehehe... i also became sociable because talking to other seminarian brother who you totally don't know is hard but because of the seminary all of us bond like brothers... i also became active spiritually hehehehe even though sometimes i sleep during reflection time... but what i want is i learn different prayers like the christian prayer book, some latin prayers and etc... But what i like most in my stay in the seminary is the trips we had like what i shared in my previous post... this one is different because we just walk during the trip... hehehe... "kala ko nga papayat ako with this trip... pero di pala..." This was our pilgrimage to the

Shrine at Antipolo... here's what happen at 6 or 7 pm we already finish eating our dinner and our rector ask us to take a nap so that our body will be prepared for the walking... at 11pm the bell rang and its the sign to prepare the things that we will be bringing and also its the time for us to have our hot chocolate in the refectory so that we will be alive/"gising"... and at around 11:30pm we leave the seminary walking along the sidewalks of EDSA... i feel the cold air that is touching our skin... may ganun... at last we have reached the EDSA shrine where in the FX and REVO is waiting for those seminarian who cannot continue walking... one of our bukluran member who is a freshman said that he cannot continue because he is very tired... that's why we let him ride the vehicles... but our bukluran never stop walking... we walked by the meralco avenue wherein a police mobile patrol stop in the group in front of us... they was confronted and asked by the policeman for security reason but the good thing was the REVO came with one of our formattor in it... Our priest formattor talks to the policemen... "kala yata mga akyat bahay sila or mga gangster na makikipagaway" hehehe... we stop at almost every convience store that we will see whether 7 eleven, ministop, or the convenience store in gasoline station... we buy drinks (mineral water, energy drink and etc) and

also chocolates to take away the tiredness in us... when we reached cainta i think... there was many beerhouses... and my bukluran mates asked if we can stop in a TAPSI store to buy drinks because he feels thirsty... there was a GRO that is eating inside... the GRO ask the cutest in our bukluran and that's not me its my kabukluran... hehehe... our kabukluran is very shy same to us because we are only highschool that time that's why my bukluran told the girl that we are Seminarians... when the GRO knew that we are Seminarians she stop asking us... maybe "nahiya siya"... hehehe when we reached another part of rizal... the other van is there waiting for us our RVM sisters prepare hot pandesals and water to take away our tiredness and thirstness... hehehe "may ganung word ba"... we have reached the Arc welcoming us to Antipolo city... here we feel very tiring because

the roads are going up and down... hehehe... "hirap maglakad"... i tell my kabukluran that we are near to the shrine because its my 2nd time to go here but i was wrong... i think we walk another 10-20 km to reached the shrine... grabe noh layo pala... at last we reached the shrine... and in there our rector asked us to prepare ourself for the mass... we change our clothes to collared shirt... and went inside the shrine to celebrate the mass... it was indeed a different experience for me because its not easy to walk from GUADALUPE, MAKATI up to ANTIPOLO CITY... hehehehe... try it and its worth it because it a sacrifice for the OUR LADY...