8:35 AM |
Author: webmasterphi

I am very thankful that i experience seminary life for almost 3 years and it also because of seminary that's why i have visited the island of Corregidor... I remember before we board the ferry boat going to the island., the breakfast was serve to us
inside the bus and almost all of us didn't eat the hard boiled egg instead we just left it inside the styroboxes and put it in the trash... unfortunately, our Rector saw a beggar that is collecting all the hard boiled egg, yari... the beggar even fill up a big empty plastic bag, yari talaga... because of that incidence we are all sanctioned, and the sanction is for 1 wk the viand that will be serve during breakfast will be different
menu for egg like sarsiadong hard boiled egg, steam egg, omelet, sunny side up and etc... pasaway kasi eh noh... back to corregidor, its time to board now going to the corregidor but unfortunately again the aircon of the ferry boat is not working properly that's why many of our co-seminarians became dizzy (maybe because of suffocation or just simply the hotness inside the boat)... at
last we have reached the island and the tour guides together with the bus (its like a jeep which is open but its better because it has design) is already waiting for us... Now we should not waste our time in order to enjoy roaming around in the different part of the island (in short para makarami)... of course we visited different batteries and barracks where in the
replica or i should say the original gun/cannons are stil in there... the tourist guides looks intelligent because he knows alot with the place but i was also thinking that the reason why he knows alot is that because it his job or just because its what he is doing everyday... we also visited spanish lighthouse (parola) near to it was a souvenir shop... the shop sells different old paper money, old coins, and different souvenir about the island... they even sell
snacks to those tourist who feels hundgry... next stop was the cemetery for filipinos army men (heroes) who fought in the war and also the cemetery for their opponent who was killed in the island... ahhhh.... roaming around the island is very tiring thats why at exactly 12 noon we had our buffet lunch in the restaurant of corregidor hotel... the food is great and we are all satisfied with our lunch... of course after eating we need to rest for a while before we 
continue exploring the island... ok that rest is enough, lets go back to the tour... our next destination is the famous MALINTA TUNNEL... it is where the Filipino and American army is hiding when japanese troupe is bombing the island and dis tunnel is very cool 
because it has lots of passage ways but now it was transformed into an educational tunnel where in every hole discusses something about the history and importance of corregidor... afterwards we visited different museum in the island and at around 4pm the ferry boat is already w8ng for all the passengers and thanks GOD because the aircon is now running well but i notice that its much wavy that our trip in the morning...
